Gestão de Recursos Hídricos
Water Resources Management
Water resources knowledge and integrated management is a transversal and fundamental aspect for all socio-economic activities.
Policies and strategies establishment, legal and regulatory compliance assessment, watershed management plans, hydrological, pressures and water balance studies, decision support systems, institutional capacity building and water governance are some of our contributions to this topic.

Waste Management and Material Efficiency
Transforming waste into secondary materials, obtaining added value within a circular economy framework, is one of the current societal biggest challenges.
Policies and strategies establishment, legal and regulatory compliance assessment, waste management plans at municipal or regional levels and for specific activities, technological routes assessment, project evaluation, waste recovery solutions and public information and awareness are some of our working areas.

Gestão de Usos, Riscos e Recursos do Território
Territorial Resources, Uses and Risks Management
The way we organize the territory and make the socio-economic activities compatible with its natural, social and cultural resources reflects the (un)sustainability of our development model and our ability to anticipate and respond to risk situations.
Territorial management instruments (at various scales), territorial assets management (soils, geological resources, among others), energy efficiency, emergency and civil protection plans, floods, droughts and pollution risk assessment, mitigation and adaptation to climate change are some of our activities.

Environmental and Sustainability Assessment
This type of evaluation, applied at policies, plans, programs or projects levels, is a fundamental instrument to guarantee the environmental, economic and social sustainability of interventions and investments, both public and private. Its tools can also be used to monitor and communicate the evolution of critical variables, working as decision and management support elements.
Strategic environmental assessment, environmental impact assessment, life cycle analysis (environmental, social and economic) and sustainability reports (both for entities and territories) are some of our services and products.

Ecosystems Conservation and Valorization
Ecosystems and biodiversity management is not only a key action for the territories' biophysical and environmental balance, but also a potential promotor of economic and social value.
Strategic plans for habitats and protected areas' management and enhancement, identification of conservation values and assessment of ecosystem services and their enhancement potential are some of our working areas.

Marine and Coastal Management
The exploitation of (living and non-living) marine and coastal resources and their transport are one of the great challenges in the coming decades, as a result of population growth, economic interests, energy needs and climate change.
Policies and strategies establishment, legal and regulatory compliance assessment, territorial management instruments at various scales, maritime space management, sustainability plans, natural and anthropogenic pressures and risks assessment, monitoring of maritime and coastal natural and built resources and innovative nature based solutions are some of our activities.

Research, Development and Innovation
The generation and transformation of knowledge into applied innovation is a competitiveness factor, allowing to find new solutions for still to be solved problems or improving existing solutions.
This is one of the main guidelines since the beginning of our activities, and thus we have participated in several R&D projects at national and international levels, in areas such as water resources management, waste recovery, environmental assessment and decision support systems, working on countries such as Portugal, Spain, France, Denmark, Germany, Albania, Cyprus or India.
Other highlight is the support to (national and international) master's and doctoral programmes.